Saturday, October 29, 2005

Conservative Comic One-Off

I don't have time to do a full-on tournament level conservative comic lame-off today. But Newsbusters' dependably lame Gaggle deserves special mention for its current strip. Let's take a look (click to enlarge):

It's not notable for its reiteration of the talking point that journalists who cover Iraq for the "MSM" (man, do I hate that stupid term) are cowards, though I am still amazed at how brazenly this charge gets thrown around, considering that most of these "critics" show no indication that they ever leave their (or their parents') basements, let alone the Green Zone. No, what makes this one jaw-dropping is the apparent belief that Marines should be "executing" anyone. Should Marines line up people and systematically kill them? Apparently. Just another example of the steady degradation of what's now considered normal discourse.

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